Space Shuttle Discovery Spacewalk
Here is my favorite photo (yes, it is right-side up!) with Robinson's feet attached to the end of the shuttle's robotic arm.
Cool, yes?

When I have thoughts on matters of faith, news, personal encounters, or...simply thoughts by themselves, I write them down and get them off of my chest and onto someone else's
"The land here is for the black people and we are not going to give it back to anybody. We are not inviting any white farmers back," Security Minister Didymus Mutasa, also in charge of Lands, Land Reform and Resettlement, told the state-owned Sunday Mail.Only 700-800 of what were once nearly 3000 white farmers remain on their land. Based on the policy stated by Mutasa it would appear that their tenure is also running out.
When the white men came they had Bibles and we had the land. Now the white men have the land and we have the Bibles!I suppose that does reflect some measure of injustice. But, when the economy collapses and the people begin to starve as a result of supposedly "righting a wrong," I would suggest that perhaps the people were better off with the "injustice."
The president should be a leader on this. Englishmen are proud of London. And Frenchmen are proud of Paris. But Americans are not proud of New York.Uh...Mr. Schumer...if I remember correctly, the terrorist attacks on New York City (and Washington D.C.) on September 11, 2001, created the greatest outpouring of American patriotism and pride since World War II. Mayor Giuliani and the New York Police and Fire Departments became national symbols of what is good and right about America. During a time of national trauma, we all became New Yorkers in some deep spiritual or emotional least for a time.
"I love the people of London. I would never, ever dream of doing anything that might hurt anyone. I mean, if the bomb was bigger, it might have injured or killed a small child, or a woman...or even a fellow Muslim! If something like that happened I don't know how I could live with myself. My conscience would eat me alive! Allah would judge me harshly for that, I'm sure. After all, in the Qu'ran, it is written that, "Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind." (Qur’an, 5:32)
I am not a terrorist. Neither are my friends. We simply got together during a white water rafting trip and decided that we wanted to exercize our right of free speech to protest the treatment of Muslim prisoners at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay and the disrespect that has been shown to the Qu'ran by American infidels who deserve death...ah...I mean unbelievers....ah....who, well, you know, should have been wearing rubber gloves when they urinated into the air know, flushed the Qu'ran down the toilet or something like that. You understand what I'm saying, right?
Hey, in any case, no harm was done to anybody! Not even to us! See, I'm still breathing. I wasn't blown up into little pieces, splattered all over nearby buildings like Hasib when his bomb went off on the bus.....uh....did I say "Hasib?" Who's Hasib? I don't know anyone named Hasib! What are you trying to do, frame me? Is this a trick? Well, if it is, I don't think it's very funny!
Now, where was I......oh, yeah.....white water rafting.....white water.....uh....that reminds me, did I tell you that I once almost met Bill Clinton?..................
In fact, the fatwa is bogus. Nowhere does it condemn the Islamic extremism ideology that has spawned Islamic terrorism. It does not renounce nor even acknowledge the existence of an Islamic jihadist culture that has permeated mosques and young Muslims around the world. It does not renounce Jihad let alone admit that it has been used to justify Islamic terrorist acts. It does not condemn by name any Islamic group or leader. In short, it is a fake fatwa designed merely to deceive the American public into believing that these groups are moderate.Judea Pearl, the father of Daniel Pearl (who was butchered and murdered in Pakistan) has declared the fatwa to be
"....vacuous because it does not name the perpetrators of Islamic terrorist theologies and leaders of Islamic movements like Yousef Al Qaradawi, Osama Bin Laden, Ayman Al Zawahari, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc.” Pearl told (Emerson) that these groups are “trying to perpetrate a deception on the American public."I'm not an expert in Islamic fatwas but I gather from Emerson's article that a legitimate fatwa must be specific to a particular person, organization or discernable entity (such as the Ayatollah Khomeni's infamous fatwa against Solomon Rushdie). If this is true, then this particular fatwa would appear to ring hollow, if not to those of us too naive to understand the subtleties of Islamic jurisprudence, then most certainly within the American Muslim communities it is addressed to.
The Fiqh Council of North America wishes to reaffirm Islam's absolute condemnation of terrorism and religious extremism.
Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against innocent lives. There is no justification in Islam for extremism or terrorism. Targeting civilians’ life and property through suicide bombings or any other method of attack is haram – or forbidden - and those who commit these barbaric acts are criminals, not “martyrs.”
In the light of the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah we clearly and strongly state:
1. All acts of terrorism targeting civilians are haram (forbidden) in Islam.
2. It is haram for a Muslim to cooperate with any individual or group that is involved in any act of terrorism or violence.
3. It is the civic and religious duty of Muslims to cooperate with law enforcement authorities to protect the lives of all civilians.
We issue this fatwa following the guidance of our scripture, the Qur’an, and the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him. We urge all people to resolve all conflicts in just and peaceful manners.
We pray for the defeat of extremism and terrorism. We pray for the safety and security of our country, the United States, and its people. We pray for the safety and security of all inhabitants of our planet. We pray that interfaith harmony and cooperation prevail both in the United States and all around the globe.
A reader with a friend in Britain forwarded this photograph of a sign posted in the Notting Hill Gate Tube Station:
Oh....and please be sure that any loose or exposed wiring is safely and securely tucked out of site beneath one's clothes.....I am assured that this is a real image, not a Photoshop remix.
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02But when bombs go off in London.....the connection is made between Al Qaeda and Bin Laden.
Algerian authorities, meanwhile, expressed surprise that two of their diplomats were abducted Thursday, saying Algiers has steadfastly refused to take part in the U.S.-led coalition.Surely, of all people, the Algerians should know better than this! After all, an Islamisists party actually WON the Algerian national election back in 1992. The existing government at that time quickly invalidated the elections and, to my knowledge, have not held any truly open or fair ones since.
The country (Algeria) is gradually emerging from over a decade of civil strife between proponents and opponents of an Islamic state. During that decade, actions by government authorities, insurgents and terrorist groups, some of which have ties to al-Qa'ida, deprived citizens of their fundamental right to security, created serious human rights problems, and set back the country's transition toward a democratic system. Fighting during the 1990s resulted in 100,000-150,000 estimated deaths.Why would the Algerian government be so naive as to think that the same sort of radical Islamisists in Iraq would care whether the Algerian government had supported the American-led alliance or not?
A career diplomat and father of four, (the kidnapped Algerian envoy)Belaroussi has been in Iraq for about two years. He previously had served as financial director at Algeria's embassy in Paris from 1997 to 2002, Algerian officials said....Is it just me or does it seem that nearly the entire world is living in some sort of denial over the actual existence of the tyrannical and fascist goal of world domination at any cost that motivates these radical Islamist terrorists?
Iraqi Deputy Interior Minister Ahmed Al-Khafaji told Al-Jazeera television that the Algerian envoy had refused Iraqi offers to provide him with bodyguards, saying he didn't need protection because "Algeria's relationship with the Iraqis is good."
WASHINGTON — Democratic Sen. John Kerry urged the White House on Friday to release "in their entirety" all documents and memos from Supreme Court nominee John Roberts' (search) tenure in two Republican administrations.
"We cannot do our duty if either Judge Roberts or the Bush administration hides elements of his professional record," said the Massachusetts senator who was his party's presidential candidate last year.
All the world lies warm in one heart, yet the Sierra seems to get more light than other mountains (OUR NP, pg.76).....The sunshine falls in glory through the colossal spires and crowns, each a symbol of health and strength, the noble shafts faithfully upright like the pillars of temples, upholding a roof of infinite leafy interlacing arches and fretted skylights (OUR NP, pg.99).
Everyone in my family drives a Toyota: My mother, my wife, myNow, I may be a pastor but I do not consider myself a prude. On the other hand....please, someone....anyone...tell me I did not hear this ad correctly! Perhaps their new slogan should be:
girl friend and my kids.....
"It is one thing to face the future stoically," (historian Max Huston) suggests, "but not with eyes closed. Even if Britain does not feel it is at war, the people who are bombing it do, and so it is necessary to be on guard."That, in a nutshell, is the whole point. The terrorists are at war with us and know that they are at war with us. Britain, Western Europe and Americans have not yet figured that out. Until we do we will be sleepwalking and in complete denial of the seriousness of the reality which we are facing....or, more precisely....the reality which is facing us!
We cannot allow the "edge" to "come off." Whether we believe we are at war or not....those who wish to destroy us have no doubts whatsoever.The effect of a single event on public opinion--even a major terrorist event--is usually temporary.
People are worried about terrorism, but the edge comes off their concern as times passes, said Andrew Kohut of the Pew Research Center..
First, the attacks were not "new" or "innovative." In contrast to the attacks on3. The London attacks should remind us all how even small, simple explosive devices, when used with strategic precision, can paralyze a city of millions. Had there been any chemical or radioactive component to the bombs the casualty figures would have been in the thousands and the London Underground system significantly shut down for months, if not years.
9?11 they were almost mundane, as in: "Oh, dear, not another bombing! How sad for the Brits."
Second, the three Tube bombings were deep underground, providing neither
spectacular photographs of the explosions themselves (as with the jetliner
impacts at the WTC) nor follow-up photos of the damage and carnage (as with the
train bombings in Spain). Out of sight=Out of mind."
This is a welcome miscalculation on the part of the terrorists (thus far, the bus has been the only visual icon of the attacks).