Monday, July 25, 2005

Why Haven't We Caught Bin Laden?

OK. I gave it my best shot. I was patient. But I'm done with that now.


Back in 2002, President George W. Bush said that he really didn't care one way or the other about catching Bin Laden:
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02
But when bombs go off in London.....the connection is made between Al Qaeda and Bin Laden.

When bombs go off in Egypt...the connection is made between Al Qaeda and Bin Laden.

When India sentences a man who claimed to be part of a larger Al Qaeda plot on 9/11 where planes were to be flown into the British Parliament buildings and Tower Bridge as well as the parliament buildings in India and Australia....the name Bin Laden comes up again.

In Iraq, the most grotesque terrorist attacks are master-minded by Zaraqawi, the self-described ally of Al Qaeda guessed it.....Bin Laden.

Bin Laden-inspired Taliban remnants continue to gather in the border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan, wrecking havoc among both military, business, government and civilian populations from Kabul to Kandahar.

Terrorists are arrested in Jordan, planning to blow up 5-star hotels in that country. They, too, are linked....with Zarqawi.....and Bin Laden.

For nearly three years I have been patient, knowing the political tight rope being walked with the United States and Pakistan. An American incursion into Pakistan would more than likely bring down the Musharraf government and place that nation's nuclear weapons in the hands of the radical Muslims who might well seize some measure of power amidst the social chaos that would follow the fall of the government.

But I have run out of patience. GET BIN LADEN!

If we know where he is......or even THINK we know where he is.....we should go in and get him.

Who would fault us for this, given the increasing attacks and threats of attacks in Europe, the Middle East, the United States and elsewhere?

As long as Bin Laden and Zarqawi remain alive, we will continue to be seen as failures and losers in the eyes of Muslim extremists. The continued existence of these two men encourages the recruitment of young people who see Zarqawi and Bin Laden's survival as evidence that Allah is protecting them because their cause is just and right!

Is it possible that these fanatics are actually correct? Is it possible that the West is either unwilling or unable to catch these mere mortal men of flesh and bone?
If we are unwilling, then we must be weaker than those who threaten us.

If we are unable, then we are pathetic fools, unworthy to bear the label of "superpower."

Either way, the "small fish" continue to blow themselves up with anarchistic abandon while the two "biggest fish" in the terrorist pond remain at large, growing in mythological and symbolic stature every day.


Sadaam became small and pathetic as he crawled out of his hole in the ground.

Sadaam's sons became less than pathetic as they lay broken and dead in an Iraqi morgue.

Zarqawi and Bin Laden must also become small, pathetic, broken and dead if we are to move forward in the GWT.

President Bush needs to rethink this matter. And Pakistan and Musharraf need to stand aside so that we can finish the job we started nearly four years ago.

As a Christian I would much prefer that these two men repent of their sins and "get new hearts" that beat as one with the heart of God. I do "love them" and pray for their redemption and forgiveness often.

But as long as they "point the gun" at free and peaceful nations, it is the God-given obligation of our government to protect us from people like these.