Thursday, May 12, 2005

Oh, Those Democrats! What a Sense of Humor! I Can Hardly Stand It!

Image hosted by Tucked into the middle of a FoxNews article on the Senate Filibuster Fight today was a small google ad which read, "anti bush 'w'-- answer all those little black w's bumper stickers shirts"

When "clicked" the link connects to this lovely Democratic slogan shop where they proudly offer "Pro Democrat- Progressive Anti-Right Wing Products."

The site is sort-of pro-Democrat we have come to expect for those who have little positive to offer......mostly anti-Bush/Republican. I also note the politically correct use of the word "progressive" instead of "liberal." The Web has even birthed a link-site for "religious left progressives!"

Among the products are quite a few that equate "Conservative Christian" with "Morally-Bankrupt-Ignorant-Hypocritical Republican." For example:

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Jesus, it seems, was also a Progressive Democrat:

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And, of course, Bush takes a little ribbing, too, all in good fun, of course:

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(Get it? John "F" Kerry instead of George "W" Bush! And be careful not to miss that clever double entendre--pardon my French!)

And of course the entire experience would not be complete without that hat tip of gratitude to our troops overseas:

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Yes, it seems as though the Democratic Progressives have finally come to appreciate the free enterprise system! Plus, as a bonus, they seem to have found a way to even outdo their conservative opponents with the religious rhetoric!

But there is still an important distinction to be made:

For many conservative Republicans, faith represents something to stand FOR.

For many progressive Democrats, however, faith appears to represent something to stand AGAINST.

Hey! Now that I think of it, maybe I can find some of those really nifty bumper stickers down at Wal*Mart!