Friday, November 11, 2005

Today I Became a "Large Mammal"

Many, if not most, serious bloggers belong to what is called the "Blogosphere Ecosystem" operated by "The Truth Laid Bear."

On this site all blogs are ranked in two categories: 1. Actual visits per day; and, 2. Number of links from other ecosystem blog sites.

According to this system, the top 10 blog sites are called, "Higher Beings." These blogs currently are linked to between 2255 and 4227 other blog sites.

The next level blogs are called, "Mortal Humans" and the third level, "Playful Primates."

These three levels contain only the top 100 blog sites on the internet.

The fourth level of the ecosystem is called, "Large Mammals." This is the level that I was moved into today (up from being a "Marauding Marsupial.").

"Large Mammals" includes blog sites ranked from 101 to 2231. Today I am ranked 2229.....which means I barely squeeked in!

Considering that the lowest ecosystem level, "Insignificant Microbes," reaches all the way down to blog site #42,727, I feel a certain (fleeting perhaps) sense of accomplishment.

Currently my site is linked to 108 other blog sites. This is largely because of my listing under the League of Reformed Bloggers blogroll which is widespread among Christian bloggers.

Compared to the 100,000-800,000+ visits to each of the top ten blog sites each day I have, during the past week, been averaging around 141 visits per day.

Most of these visits to my site, I must confess, have been visits from folks around the world who have been searching for a particular image or graphic on the internet. For example, they might type in "Airbus A380 interior" on Google images and a photo from my site will pop up as the fifth photo on the page. When they click on that photo they are then linked to either the photo itself or to my blogsite.

Several of my photos have become visited so often that they are popping up under a number of Google image searches.

My actual postings are also visited by folks each day as well. For example, if you go to Google and type in "christer meaning" my Bird of Paradise site will be listed 7th, with an article I wrote on that subject, entitled, "Christer" & "Christers"--Emerging Vocabulary to Demean Christians, back on June 4, 2005. I am a "Large Mammal." I certainly have no ambitions to rise to the level of anything higher! I would even be content with returning to my many friends at "Marauding Marsupials" once again.

Since I have the comfort of knowing that I am a child of God, a brother and friend of God's Son, my Lord and Savior, and one of God's elect, saved by grace through faith, bearing without shame the name of Jesus Christ, whether I am an "Insignificant Insect" or a "Higher Being" really doesn't amount to much of anything at all!

Even so, it's kinda neat!