Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Aussies Blind-Sided by Glow-In-The-Dark Pork Chops

Leave it our friends from Oz to find a scandal where no one else in the world would ever think to look for one.

Most refrigerators have a little light in them. Apparently this is not the case with some folks Down Under.

It seems that reports have come in from people who opened their refrigerator only to find their pork chops glowing in the dark.

Concerns were raised amidst fears of radiation poisoning of irradiated meat.

"No worries," says the food experts. The glow is caused by "the harmless pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria."

It was explained that thebacteria were safe and were "not known to cause food poisoning."

Nonetheless, Aussies were told to "Remember this simple advice - if it glows, throw it."

(unless, of course, his name is Rudolf....)