Thursday, August 04, 2005

NY Times Investigating Judge Roberts' Adoption Papers?

Drudge tells us that, "The NEW YORK TIMES is looking into the adoption records of the children of Supreme Court Nominee John G. Roberts..... The TIMES has investigative reporter Glen Justice hot on the case to investigate the status of adoption records of Judge Roberts’ two young children, Josie age 5 and Jack age 4, a top source reveals."

Well, I thought about this for a few minutes and logged on to the NY Times Readers' Forum On the Public Editor where I left this posting:

Hmmm….so someone at the NY Times has been looking into the Robert’s adoptions I hear…searching to see if there was anything “irregular” about them, you say?

I suppose that the New York Times has also acquired one of Chelsea Clinton’s hairs to test her DNA? After all, she may actually be adopted! Or someone else’s child! I’m sure that such an investigation would never be “gratuitous” but that you would insist on taking “great care, understanding the sensitivity of the issue.”

You hypocrites! Taking the children of public officials and cannibalizing them to satisfy your seemingly insatiable hunger for irrelevant news!

Perhaps Air America will broadcast an expose of your “fair and balanced” editorial policies. Oh….sorry…I forgot….you apparently have an unwritten non-aggression treaty with each other.

Never mind. I suppose that Judge Roberts and his family understand that no one is perfect…and that the NY Times will dig until they are blue in the face to prove it true!

Oh….and about Chelsea….perhaps your fashion editor could contract with one of the National Enquirer’s photographers to snap some informal photos of her for public review and analysis. An eager public is waiting……

Not very elegant, I suppose.....but I do feel so much better!