Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Will the Real Flipper Please Stand Up

While walking past the press last Sunday, President Bush raised his right hand high in the air and extended one digit above the rest. The gesture was caught on film and played on MSNBC and included in Jay Leno's monologue. Those who think ill of GW immediately declared that he had flipped off the press. Those who support him clearly saw the gesture as a "thumbs up."

After viewing the video (which you can also do, here) I must say that I cast my vote clearly on the "thumbs up" interpretation.

GW is an earthy guy who does not like to play around with shades of gray for too long. I have no doubt that, in private, he has expressed himself (regarding the press) in clear and colorful language more than once!

But I think that he is also a reasonable man who knows that expressing himself is such a public way might feel good for a moment but hurt him badly in the end. Discretion is the greater part of valor!

As is often the case with Bush, it really doesn't really matter what he does, he will be derided by his enemies regardless. On the other hand, those not on the "left-ward ho!" bandwagon will probably check out the video for themselves and come to the same conclusions I did:

1. It was his thumb; and

2. Thumper's father was right all along...."If you can't say something nice... don't say nothing at all."