Monday, August 01, 2005

The Magical Disappearance of Bush's Faith-Based Initiative...Praise the Lord!

Have you heard anything about Bush's controversial Faith-Based Initiative lately? Of course not. It was a bad idea from the start. The U.S. government should not be in the business of taxing you and me and then giving our money away to religious organizations and charities that they choose to support. I will be glad to give my own money to whoever and whatever I choose. Keep the government out of my pocket.....especially when it comes to matters concerning religion.

Even so, I think that the reason the idea has dropped from the radar is because the Bush administration and the Republican Congress has at last realized another reason why it is such a bad idea.

A posting at Little Green Footballs today illustrates this reason quite well.

You see, it appears that some lawmakers in Australia got the bright idea that they could further the Christian faith in that country by authorizing government money to support private educational establishments.

Unfortunately, the law made Muslim schools eligible as well. a result, millions of dollars of taxpayer's money has been syphoned off into subsidizing Muslim schools that, in some cases, are providing venues for terrorist-advancing propaganda, radical religious ideology and other ideas that are not advancing the national destiny in quite that way that the legislators had intended.

Read the article and pray that the Faith-Based Initiative in the United States is not only dead, but buried as well.