Thursday, September 22, 2005

Palestinian Authority Issues "Peace" Stamp Featuring "Guess-Who?"

Yep, folks, the Palestinian Authority has done it again. In its inexorable and insatiable search for peace in the Middle East it has issued a set of postage stamps bearing two of the most celebrated peacemakers of our time: Yasser Arafat and French President Jacques Chirac.
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Freedom-loving people throughout the world will want to snap up these collector's items right away. No doubt the people of Iraq, about to vote on a national constitution written and endorsed by a freely elected, representative Parliament, will be especially exited to see Chirac honored in this manner.

Surely, there must be somewhere, someplace, some home or hovel in Iraq that proudly displays a photo of Jacques Chirac on the wall.

Other than the French consulate, I mean.