New Orleans Katrina Flood Photos
There are hundreds (if not thousands) of Katrina hurricane disaster photos archived here. Some will make you angry, some will make you cry. All will make you sober. ht: Riehl World View
Also, hundreds of awsome and terrifying satellite photos of the entire gulf coast damage area, including New Oleans, Gulfport, etc. The debris of thousands of homes can be seen washed inland a quarter mile like misplaced driftwood (see photo below). The detail in these space photos is dramatic. Some pc systems might have difficulty accessing these pictures. I downloaded zipped files to a temp folder and extracted.
Also, hundreds of awsome and terrifying satellite photos of the entire gulf coast damage area, including New Oleans, Gulfport, etc. The debris of thousands of homes can be seen washed inland a quarter mile like misplaced driftwood (see photo below). The detail in these space photos is dramatic. Some pc systems might have difficulty accessing these pictures. I downloaded zipped files to a temp folder and extracted.

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