Saturday, September 17, 2005

Hurricane Season in Hawaii

The Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico have captured all the hurricane coverage this year and for good reason. But don't forget Hawaii! We are in a hurricane zone, too.

At the moment there are two hurricanes (Jova & Kenneth) and a tropical depression (Lidia) headed in our direction from the east.

In five or six days there is an 8% chance that Jova could come within 250 miles of Honolulu. At this point there is even less chance of being threatened by Kenneth or Lyda.

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Hurricane Jova On the Move

But....the Civil Defense is already setting up information tables at WalMarts etc. to make sure the people know what is happening and what to do to prepare for a disaster (whether natural or un-natural!).

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Hawaii really does have its act together (in contrast to Louisiana/New Orleans where we now discover there are 4 Louisiana Homeland Security officials under indictment .... LA Times story here... for the disappearance of over $60 million in disaster preparation funds, etc....and the indictments were handed down before hurricane Katrina!).

We will be sharing some information with the congregation during worship on Sunday, including handing out a brochure called "Emergency Checklist" distributed by Civil Defense with the cooperation of FEMA and the State of Hawaii. (Just a thought, why have we heard nothing of the Civil Defense presence in Louisiana/New Orleans?). We will also distribute a list of designated hurricane shelters on Oahu.

Thanks to my good friend and church Elder John, I have the entire 10+ page document for Hawaii Civil Defense re Hurricanes, etc. available for you to see here.

Also from John, here is a list of on-line sites the specialize in hurrican/storm/weather related matters:

We have not had a hurricane hit the islands since Hurricane Ikiki hit on September 11, 1992. Kauai was hit straight on with major damage sustained. Ten years later there is still plenty of evidence of damage from that storm. If one should hit Honolulu and Oahu, the entire economy of the state could easily shut down. Fortunately, we are not below sea level like New Orleans!

May God have mercy on us all.