Monday, March 28, 2005

Easter: The Day After

Image hosted by Photobucket.comThe day after the first Easter in Jerusalem must have been a strange time for Jesus' disciples. Jesus is alive. But what does it mean. Is he back for good? Are they going to go back to the same life and ministry they had before? I'm sure that they are more than a little afraid of Jesus, too. Afraid to touch him. Afraid to get too close to him. Unsure who, exactly, he is. At least these are the feelings I imagine I would have. It took forty days with the risen Jesus, ten more days of prayer and fasting and the inspiration and power of the Holy Spirit before they were willing and able to put their experience into words full of meaning.

Today is also the day after Easter. I am neither afraid, confused or uncertain of very much about Jesus (although aware of the limitations of what I do know). But I do know one thing that Jesus' disciples did not know the day after his resurrection. I know that tomorrow I will not be going back to doing things the same way as in the past. Every Easter marks a New Birth of New Hope founded on the good news of God saving love revealed to the world on that first Easter.

Today I am still addressing the same issues of ministry that I faced two days ago. But I have been renewed and refreshed by Easter. My hope and confidence in the work of the Church have been confirmed and reaffirmed. My Lord overcame death, for heaven's sakes! How can I allow myself to be discouraged or uninspired when given the opportunity to challenge old obstacles in new, improved ways!

Easter is my personal New Year. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come! I haven't made any resolutions. I have no doubt that God will take care of the details.