Thursday, March 24, 2005

Maundy Thursday

The word,"Maundy," comes from the Latin word, maundanum, which means, "command" (as in "mandate"). It was on that final night with his disciples that Jesus said, "A new command (maundanum) I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you."Image hosted by (click picture to enlarge)

Tonight at our worship we will remember Jesus' betrayal, the washing of his disciples feet (I will do the washing), the breaking of bread, the pouring of the cup and the singing of a hymn before they went out to the Mt. of Olives.

There will be some special music, of course, and two other hymns will be sung. But the service will be short and simple. As Pastor I will say very little. A narrator will provide most of the spoken word via a script. One of the children will ask me a series of questions about the Lord's Supper (a la the questions asked by children at the Jewish Seder meal) and I will respond with the words of institution from I Corinthians 11:23-26.

Maundy Thursday is always both happy and sad for me. There is so much to be sad about, of course. But the joy of friends sharing a meal together at such a momentous moment deeply moves me. If I were ever to be required to eat a final meal I, too, would wish that it could be shared with friends.

Tonight, we will share the meal with the crucified and risen Lord. We will not forget that it was also on this night that he declared, "No longer do I call you servants....but I call you friends..." And so we are.

That, my friends, is what makes me happy.