St. Valentine's Day

Sometime, however, it doesn't really matter why a holiday exists (take a look at Kwazaa or Mother's Day for examples of "holidays" created out of thin air) and Valentine's Day is one of those times.
It's simply nice, for whatever reason, to be encouraged (even by social peer pressure and the greeting card & flower industries!) to say "I love you" to someone special.
My wife packed up Valentine's Day gift boxes for our two daughters (#1 & #2) who live in the Mainland diaspora and one for our still-at-home-but-not-for-long Daughter #3. I added a single pink rose for her when I picked her up from school today.
Hopefully, the card I sent to my mother will arrive on time along with a small orchid plant.
Fortunately, I also remembered to show some appreciation to my wonderful wife. We'll have dinner out, too, but the gifts we may exchange with each other will remain fully confidential!
At our church preschool, children also exchanged gifts and held class parties that included at least some of the children's parents. As a Christian preschool it never hurts to encourage the idea of "love" . . . even when it comes in the form of a cupcake or small bag of Hershey's Kisses!
All love comes from God, of course, and our human efforts are just a case of imitation being the highest form of flattery.
According to the Christian faith, God sent his own personal "Valentine" to us in the person of God the Son, who "emptied himself" and "became flesh" and "dwelt among us" for a brief span of 33 years.
I John adds these words, "This is love: not that we loved God but that God loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins."
The Christian Bible also explains why God did this: "So that whoever believes in him (Jesus) should not perish but have everlasting life."
As St. Paul put it, "If God is for us then who is against us?"
I'll put my faith in God. How about you?
Happy St. Valentine's Day!
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