Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hilo Little Leaguer's Make Hawaii Proud!

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingFor the second straight year the little league World Series (Cal Ripken Division, 12 & under) has been won by a team from Hawaii. Last year it was the Oahu All-Stars from Ewa Beach. This year . . . today . . . it was Hilo.

The Hilo team beat Mexico 5-2 one day after winning the United States' Championship 8-1 over Arkansas.

It is amazing to me how well the Hawaii teams do in little league national competition each year. This year, in addition to the Hilo championship, one Hawaii team (Pearl City) reached the championship game in their division and another ( made it all the way to the semi-finals.

Today's victory is a real inspiration to every small, isolated little league team in the country as well as proof that "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!" You see, three years ago the same Hilo team with the same coach (Kaha Wong) played Mexico in the World Championship game . . . and lost 13-2.

Today, they ended their year as World Champions!
