When I have thoughts on matters of faith, news, personal encounters, or...simply thoughts by themselves, I write them down and get them off of my chest and onto someone else's
Friday, March 31, 2006
You Just Gotta Watch This!
Juggling as you have never seen juggling before! A tour de force without sound. With sound this video is breath-taking, heart-stopping and reality-suspending. I've watched this video three times and still can't believe that Chris Bliss actually did this on stage in front of a live audience with spotlights shining in his eyes. Wow. Wow. And . . . Wow!
I'm a Christian Pastor in Hawaii. Married with three daughters who are either in high school (1) or college (2). I do not know how to surf except on the internet. Like most Christians I am an optimist and have a sense of humor. My wife is wonderful.
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