Monday, March 06, 2006

Hawaii Revival--Micronesian Style

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Some of the Pastors on Friday evening (I'm the one w/out a tie)

The Micronesian congregation that "nests" in our church facilities held a revival this past week. The congregation is mostly made up of new immigrants from the island of Nama, 40 miles or so from the famous atoll of Chuuk (formerly called "Truk").

Chuukese/Nama pastors flew in from Maui, Oregon, Chuuk and Nama to join the two pastors who serve the Nama community here in Central Oahu. For four nights they sang, praised, prayed and heard inspirational sermons delivered by the pastors.

On Friday evening I attended long enough to sing a few choruses (most were in English) and offer the folks (over 100 were present) a warm welcome from my congregation. Pastor Stanis Philips even gave me a "crash course" on how to say, "I'm glad you are all here this evening" in Chuukese. I spoke the words the way he told me but all I got from all the good people were puzzled looks!

Things really got rolling on Saturday evening with preaching and singing lasting until midnight.

It is good seeing folks so far from home enjoying a big get-together with friends and family and doing so in an atmosphere of joy and thanksgiving in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That sort of worship needs no translation!