Israeli Archaeologists Hype Discovery of Early Christian Church
Mosaic from newly excavated Byzantine Church in Megiddo (click on picture to enlarge)
When still another one was discovered recently (on the grounds of a major Palestinian terrorist prison near Megiddo) the resulting news release reads as if it could have been formatted from just about any other article ever written about a archaeological discovery in Israel/Palestine:
1. The writer of the article shows his/her complete ignorance of the subject and gets something wrong in the opening sentence. (In this case, the AP writer claims that those who discovered the church are saying that "it may be the oldest Christian church in the Holy Land." They said no such thing, of course, although one archaeologist did say it "may be the oldest (Christian church) in our area." (Meaning, no doubt, northern Israel/Galilee and not the entire "Holy Land.")
2. The one who discovers the site will play it up for all it is worth (this is because a good dig will generate grant money....lots of grant money). "There is no structure you can compare it to. It is a very unique find," says Yotam Tepper, the dig leader. Others join in, saying the church could be as old as third century.
3. The writer will try to find a biblical twist that will connect to his/her readers....and they will get this wrong, too. ("Scholars believe Megiddo to be the New Testament's Armageddon, the site of a final war between good and evil." The link between Megiddo and Armageddon is true, of course, but a "final war between good and evil?" Hardly. Satan and the Anti-Christ gather all their forces in rebellion against God but there is no war. There is no battle. Just take a look at how Revelation 20:7-9 puts it:
7When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. 9They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them.Yep. That's the great battle of Armageddon! God says, "You're done" and it's over. That's the whole point of Revelation. No one, not even Satan, has any power except for that which God permits them to have...not for their purposes but for God's! When God's purpose is complete, the true powerlessness of Satan, evil and death will be exposed and their impotence revealed in a twinkling of an eye. "War between good and evil".....not!
4. Some real, tangeable value may be actually present in the excavation (This is optional, of course, but in this case, a fine, large mosaic that includes the name "Jesus Christ" makes this church more interesting than most.)
5. Some archaeologist will challenge the claims of others, creating at least the appearance of a scientific conflict in the making. (In this case, anthropologist Joe Zias spoils the party by pointing out that Christianity was illegal in the Roman Empire until Constantine granted it full legal status in the fourth century. For this reason there were no Christian churches earlier than the fourth century. "The earliest it could be is fourth century and we have other fourth-century churches," says Zia. Yes indeedy.....he's right!
6. Someone will find a way to make money off of it. In this case the Israeli Tourism Board is already drooling. (Israeli Tourism Minister Avraham Hirshzon said the discovery could greatly increase tourism to Israel.
"If we nurture this properly, then certainly there will be a large stream of tourists who could come to Israel," he said.)
So, there you have it. Another reason to visit the Holy Land for the first time or, just like the Disneyland you have been to for a hundred times already, even if you've been there before, you won't want to miss their new, outrageously spectacular "Loopy Daffy's Cartoon Coaster Ride!"--oops--I meant to say, their new, outrageously spectacular archaeological site: "The Basilica of Megiddo!" (Note: If entrance fee is not included in your tour costs, please pay your 5,000 Shekels at the front gate. Your support of the Israeli economy is greatly appreciated).
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