Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve In Hawaii

This evening we will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with a candlelight worship service. There will be special music, traditional carols and the Christmas story will be read from Scripture. The Welcome, Prayers (including the Lord's Prayer), the lighting of the Christ Candle and the Benediction will all be done in both English and Korean as we share worship together with the Korean congregation that nests in our facilities.

One of the things I do each year is to write a poem and set it to music. This is then included as part of my short sermon message. This year's Christmas music is a quartet that includes one verse sung as a round. I can't share the music but I can share the words.

Since tomorrow is Christmas Day I will not be blogging unless something extraordinary comes along! So, I leave you with a "Merry Christmas, Christ Is Born!" and the following words:

Bethlehem Was Still That Night

Bethlehem was still that night;
Darkness pierced by one bright light.
Mary, birthed a son.
Our salvation had begun.
.....Our salvation had begun.

Jesus in a manger lay
In a stable filled with hay.
Mary, Joseph, too,
Know that Christ was born for you.
.....Know that Christ was born for you.

See him sleeping, hear him cry.
Know that one day he will die.
Buried in a tomb and then
He will rise to life again.
.....He will rise to life again.

He will wash our sins away;
He will turn the night to day.
Jesus, Savior mine.
Child of Mary; Child Divine.
.....Child of Mary; Child Divine.

Words & Music by Jim Tweedie
December, 2005