Sunday, October 30, 2005

Hugo Chavez Tells Venezuelans--Halloween Is Contrary To Our Way"

Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan President, friend of Fidel Castro and George W. Bush-hater took time on his weekly national radio address to warn his people of a great and looming threat: Halloween. Yes, the American celebration of Halloween is, according to Chavez, a "game of terror" where, "families go and begin to disguise their children as witches."

All of this reflects the American culture of "putting fear into other nations, putting fear into their own people."

The BBC article reporting Chavez' comments adds a side note:
(Chavez) did not refer to incidents earlier this month when lanterns made from hollowed pumpkins carrying anti-government messages appeared in several places in the capital, Caracas.
Are there any skeletons in your closets Mr. Chavez?

NOTE: Chavez is always a good source for a good quote. See here for something he said in September.