Sunday, February 20, 2005

Growing Churches: A Good Point

The quote is from The Pen and the Sword and the comment is from Jolly Blogger. Worth reading and thinking about, I think....

Reality check: The fastest growing faiths on the American continent are Islam, Mormonism, and Catholicism. Islam is growing by promoting a disciplined lifestyle and a sense of religious identity. Mormonism is growing with their own two-wheeled propogation of their message...young, handsome, clean-cut men on bikes going door to door and talking with people. Catholicism is growing because
a huge number of Baptists and other thinking believers are getting increasingly disgusted with the nonsense that masquerades as authentic Christian witness.

Hmm . . . there's nothing very seeker sensitive or even culturally sensitive about the three groups he mentions, they apparently aren't accomodating their message and methods to the culture nor are they trying to redefine or reframe their messages for a "postmodern" generation (at least as far as I know). So tell me again why I need to re-think and repackage my faith to win "today's generation."