Monday, January 31, 2005

Being a Pastor is...Never Dull!

Today I led my weekly Bible Study through two more chapters of Job and shared prayer with those who attended.

Today I wrote one final article for our monthly church newsletter and reformatted the page that had already been made print-ready by our newsletter editor. I had to sort of squeeze it in at the last minute. Learning word processing skills has come with the job!

Today I spent some free time finishing up some music I wrote and performed as a wedding gift a year ago but never put in shape to present on a CD.

Today I listened and counseled with someone trying to improve a stressful relationship.

Today I listened to a man in my congregation who, after a long life of searching, had finally given his life over to God and accepted the Christian faith. What a story! It reminded me of C.S. Lewis' "Surprised By Joy!"

Today I met with our church New Building Team and made a final decision on who the architect will be for our upcoming $1 million expansion/remodeling project.

Today I sent an email to a new family in our congregation letting them know that they had given me their home and email addresses but not their phone number. I hope to visit them this week!

Today I consulted with the host of one of our upcoming Lenten Small Groups, confirming that I will be providing the scripture texts that I will be using in my sermon series so they can study them ahead of time each week.

Today I rested from yesterday morning when I led worship, preached, chatted with several new visiting families, engaged in some impromptu emergency counseling during our fellowship time and then subbed as teacher for our Senior High Sunday School Class.

Today was the sort of day that keeps me from becoming stuck in a rut. Today was the sort of day the keeps me filled with joy! Today was the sort of day that keeps me humble before the Lord. Today, like almost every day, I had the opportunity to use a variety of spiritual gifts and natural talents to further the Gospel in my congregation. Today I spent intimate, personal time with good people, sharing difficult times and wonderful times all mixed together! What a privilege to be a pastor! What an adventure!

I can hardly wait to see what tomorrow will bring! Praise the Lord!