Monday, June 26, 2006

University of Colorado Chancellor to Ward Churchill: You Should Be Fired

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingRemember Ward Churchill? The Native American activist and University of Colorado Professor (head of their Native American Studies department) who lied about being a Native American? Well, after months and months of going through the intricate maze of administrative and faculty review that protects and preserves a tenured professor like an Egyptian mummy, the University of Colorado Chancellor has determined that Mr. Churchill should be dismissed over issues related to research misconduct.

This decision is now, of course, subject to even more review by University faculty before any final outcome can be affirmed. In the mean time, Churchill continues to be paid . . .

You can read the Chancellor's full comments here if you are really, really interested in this.

Oh . . . If you are wondering about the picture . . . it is only there to remind you that Calvin Coolidge was every bit as much of a Native American as Ward Churchill.