Thursday, February 24, 2005

No News Is Good News?

The CNN home page at the moment looks different somehow (9:49 pm HST). Why? After looking it over several times it dawned on me that there was not a single story on either Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran or North Korea.

The nearest thing on the site concerned Bush's meeting with Putin and their agreement to halt the spread of nuclear weapons. Oddly enough, there was also no story listed for the Lebenese/Syrian situation, Koffi Anin's ultimatum and Assad's apparent decision to withdraw gracefully. Perhaps that was posted earlier. News gets old very fast, I guess.

There was news of today's bombing in Iraq at the World site, of course, but I wonder when the last timie the CNN Home Page has been "terrorist-" "Iraqi-" and "Afghani-free." Is this a sign of progress? Hmmm. . . .